Thursday, December 16, 2010

Whatcha Been Doin? A Conversation

It's the holiday season and we are visiting with family and friends. We are out gathering with people at parties or games or whatever. While hanging out with everyone we talk to each other.

One of the early questions asked to begin a conversation is "what you been up to lately" or "what do you do." I've participated in and listened to some conversations that began this way. Over the past month I have engaged in a dozen or so conversations and listened to a bunch more that began this way. I will note that I am not the best conversationalist.

When family, friends, or strangers came up to me and ask me that question, I fill them in on the hacking and trading I've been doing. I get two responses to my answer, "that's great" and they walk away or "that's great" and they change the subject. I did not get one person to pursue further into what I'm doing or exhibit any interest in what I've said. I've come to the conclusion that it could be one of two things, 1) hacking and trading are not interesting for the people I talked with or 2) my delivery in explaining what I'm doing was not clear and understandable for anyone to continue with that conversation topic. I believe the problem is with the latter.

In listening to other similar conversations, the response was much different. The questioner was engaged with the answers and continued with follow up questions to gain a deeper knowledge of the subject. I too became fascinated with what people are doing.

So, I've been trying to figure out why my delivery failed. As I noted earlier, I am not the best conversationalist. I don't participate in many conversations because I have a weak and soft voice and many people have a difficult time hearing me, especially in loud areas. I wing it every time I tell people what I'm doing so its probably not succinct and a little confusing. I need to practice.

I'm looking to improve in this area. In my research I've come across the concept of Branding. I will be working on Brand Me. I want to be able to articulate what I'm doing better. Maybe then I will get people interested in learning more.

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