Monday, October 4, 2010

The Past Couple of Weeks

My mom came up to me and said, "do you realize for the past couple of weeks you've been on the computer from the moment you get up until the time you go to bed." I did not realize that. I've been so focused on what I've been doing, time has flown by. I am enjoying the work I am putting my time and effort into. All I've been doing is trading and hacking. I want to get better in these two disciplines.

I spend time on my trading looking at charts for patterns, support and resistance levels, and direction. I look back at my previous trades to check if I'm following my trading rules. I do research for my trading journal project.

I spend time on my hacking working on my project. I'm teaching myself Ruby on Rails. My Rails web application is for a youth club basketball team. I can add players with an image and their information. I can add leagues with each league having many games. I can add albums with each album containing many photos. I have a calendar that shows the current month that I can add events to which will show up for that day. I can add stats for each player that corresponds to a game. I add basic stats and the model does the calculations for individual and game stats. I am currently working on adding videos to my web application. I've used plugins and gems. I'm also learning and using CSS. When I encounter a problem I search for a solution, which can happen in a day or a month. This is FUN!

I wasn't actually on the computer all day, it just seems that way. I took some time to watch the Blue Angels. I took a couple hours here and there to go watch my nephews play basketball and football. But then I'm back on the computer. So much fun.


austen.ito said...

I'm getting excited about coding by just reading your post. Awesome Keola!

aaron said...


dng said...

I'm going nutso with my coding. One thing I've been neglecting is testing. But I will get to it. Right now, I have an idea for something I want to implement and work on making it happen. So far, so good.