Thursday, December 17, 2009

Keola's Blog Application

For the past 16 days I’ve been hacking away on my blog application. My goal is to go from development to production. I want to get version 1.0 online by February 1st. I’m not quite sure what’s involved in taking a website public, but I am going to find out.

The site will be a two-column layout containing a header, navigation, content, sidebar, and footer. The navigation bar will have a home, about, contact, and blog page.

The blog engine is similar to the “creating a weblog in 15 minutes with Rails 2” screencast with a few minor tweaks. I added a few more attributes to the comment model to get a name, email, and website.

I also am building this application without using the scaffold to generate things. I want to understand the Rails convention. I want to fill out the controllers, views, routes and whatever else is needed. It’s running, so I’ve been pretty good about adding what is needed.

The past couple weeks have been fun. I’ve gotten further along then I planned. Everything is flowing. Next I will share some things I discovered.

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