Friday, October 31, 2008

Silver Bullet R.I.P.

My laptop is coming to its end. I've had trouble over the years, but lately it has gotten fatal. A couple weeks ago while working, the dreaded blue screen appeared telling me of a fatal error. I tried to shutdown and immediatelly restart which has worked in the past, this time it didn't. My hard drive was corrupted. I did backup a lot of the hard drive so it didn't hurt too much. What hurt me was I didn't get around to backing up my rails Trading Journal project I've been hacking. OUCH! I will also miss all my bookmarks of websites I discovered. I hope to discover them again. I got my laptop up and running a week later and was off to work again with a fresh start. A few days later my screen became choppy then went black. Silver has been in a coma since. I don't have a backup computer so I've been borrowing others to continue with my trading. I have not been able to do any hacking. It is time to get a new computer and a backup.

Before I roll out and buy a new laptop, I would like to know what happened to Silver and how long it will be before my new computers are affected and can I prevent it. My laptop was old which probably led to overworked and run down components. I must have caught a virus or two and been overrun with spyware. I have read that many lock-ups and blue-screens-of-death can be traced to insufficient power supplies, low quality RAM, and the like. Does that mean old components cannot handle new applications that continue to come out? Will I need a better Motherboard or Processor or whatever every year? So, if I have lock down security, update drivers and increase everything my computer should live forever.

My focus now is what kind of user am I. My computer is mostly for trading and software engineering. I search the web and watch online videos and shows. I also run multilpe applications at the same time. So what computer is best for me? What's the minimum? Do I want a Mac or PC? I am not familiar with the Mac. The PC doesn't offer XP anymore and I would have to switch to Vista. From what I checked, they both work with the software I download and use.

I'm probably over thinking it. I assume most computers these days bought off the shelf will contain everything I need. Now, I just gotta figure out what it is I need. Wish me luck!

Friday, August 29, 2008


I joined my first two groups of TechHui. The first group is UH ICS Students. This group is to focus on the needs of UH ICS undergraduate and graduate students. I like the idea of this group. Every student needs some type of support. Each student enters the program with different strengths and abilities. They are all at different levels when it comes to languages, programming, and understanding. The second group is UH ICS Mentors. This group is to bring together University of Hawaii ICS Alumni (and anyone else) interested in mentoring current UH ICS students. This group gives me a feeling of trepidation. Can I be a helpful mentor? Will I myself be able to answer the different type of programming questions? Have I advanced to that level of being a mentor? I just don’t want to be a detriment to a student. It’s probably fear and I need to get over it. I’m probably further along then I realize.

I like the idea of these two communities. It would have been nice to have them around and established when I entered the program. I came in unfamiliar with languages, programming, and how to understand it. The Professors and TA’s helped some but they were responsible for many students. I tried to find a professor to be an advisor and mentor to guide me through the ICS program but it didn’t work out that way. It took me a few tries to get through some classes and move on in the program. I didn’t grasp the information of what I was learning until I met Aaron and took ICS 413 and 414. I began pair programming and learned to think for myself and not rely on others to get me started. I discovered you learn by hacking and trial and error. It would have been extremely helpful to have this when I entered the program. That’s why these groups are good.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hello World!

It works! I got the simple Hello World program to work. I don't receive anymore errors. I can now start hacking away at my Trading Journal project. The program wasn't connecting to the database. I upgraded to mysql 5 and got it running. It began working when I changed the database name in the yml file to a database name I created in mysql.

I'm learning Ruby and using the Rails framework. I'm using NetBeans IDE for the Ruby projects. Now its time to hack away and become familiar with the Ruby language and Rails application. I'm also gonna check on what more NetBeans can do with Ruby, Rails, and the database.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Positive Focus

Throughout the day, week, and month while living life do you remember the positive happenings or the negative ones. Have we been programmed by newspapers and the news who report more negative then positive stories as well as people around us that let us know more about our mistakes or something we've done wrong then our positives. At the end of the day, what do you remember more? I went to listen to a speaker who talked about positive focus. At the end of the day discuss with family the positive things that happened during the day. And of course, saying positive things to others can only help. I always try to be positive about everything but when asked to name three positive things that happened to me over the past 30 days, it took me a while. The three negative things that happened to me came quicker. So, let's focus on the positive.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Home of the Future

Disney has teamed up with Microsoft, HP, software provider Lifeware, and home builder Taylor Morrison to create an attraction featuring digital home technologies of the future. The home of the future is suppose to open this month at Disneyland in Tomorrowland. Disney’s new ‘smart’ house is set to look like a normal suburban home outside, but inside is set to feature cutting-edge hardware, software and touch-screen systems to simplify modern living. Lights and thermostats will automatically adjust when people walk into a room. Closets will help pick out the right dress for a party. Counters will be able to identify groceries set on them and make menu suggestions. The system will allow residents to transfer digital photos, videos and music among televisions and computers in different rooms at the click of a button. Other applications still in development could include touch-screen technology built into appliances, furniture and counter tops. The home will also feature new uses for devices that many people may already own, as well as technologies that are still five or 10 years down the road.

I find this fascinating. The technology that is here now and possible for the near future is exciting, knowing what is coming. But isn't this technology here and now. Is this the "Home of the Future" because we have to wait for the future before we can afford the technology to put in our home? Are there more futuristic ideas out there for
the "Home of the Future" that can be thought of? No matter, I still like the idea of the technology.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Finding Features

I am in the process of finding features for my trading journal project. This is fun. I currently use a trading journal that was given to me by a fellow trader. It was created in an Excel worksheet with good parts and bad parts. I finally got to a point where I want my own trading journal that caters to my needs. I am finding features for comments, current account information, current and actual trade information, trade summary, and I am adding additional features. The description for each feature is taking time. Even though this trading journal is for me, I would like it to be easily understood by everyone. I am trying to create my ideal trading journal with features I want. I want to improve the trading journal.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Conceiving Believing Achieving

Whatever the Mind can Conceive and Believe it can Achieve

I have discovered a passion for software engineering and trading.

Entering into college I thought of working with computers as a possibility but didn't know exactly what I could do with them. I was then introduced to computer science. I became hooked when I took ICS 111 from Dr. Johnson. Although I didn't pass that class, it was fun and interesting as well as eye opening to me what programming can do. I became a believer in computer science after taking ICS 413 and 414. In these classes I met and was mentored by Aaron, introduced to pair programming and working with a team, got to work on a real project that was being utilized at the time, and needed to be a dependable teammate. This made me aware of the possibilities and software engineering.

In the mid 90's I began to learn how to trade the equity markets. I learned how to trade stocks and options. I was taught how to find fundamentally sound companies and how to technically trade their chart. There are many different technical indicators that can be used together or separately to find an opportunity as well as different patterns that can appear on a chart. This got me excited about the possibilities. I became a believer immediately. Recently I was introduced to currency trading. I'm a believer in it. I found out trading isn't as easy when using real money. Money can be lost quickly unless you take other steps to protect yourself. Creating a plan with rules, keeping a detailed trading journal, and using proper money management will help in protecting yourself.

This passion has caused me to want to combine the two. I am beginning a project to use my software engineering skills to create my own trading journal. This is a big endeavor for me. Luckily I'm not alone. I am receiving help from my mentors. I'm excited and ready to go.

Friday, April 11, 2008

An Inspiring Lecture

Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch, who is dying from pancreatic cancer, gave his last lecture at the university Sept. 18, 2007, before a packed McConomy Auditorium. In his moving talk, "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams," Pausch talked about his lessons learned and gave advice to students on how to achieve their own career and personal goals. I found it very inspiring with his positive message. Maybe you've seen it or maybe you haven't, check it out here.

Randy Pausch is a computer science professor. He has created an educational software that teaches younger students programming. I have not tried it yet but check it out here.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Developing a Software Project Plan

I have not written a project plan. Is it important to know how to write one? I think the contents of the plan would include an overview and design structure. The overview will have a mission statement and a list of goals. The design structure will have the system implementation with the classes and methods.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Best of Tech

I've been wondering who are the best technology companies creating the best long lasting stuff. I have no criteria I'm following. I'm just thinking out loud. I'm probably going to miss some obvious ones. Apple seems like the head of the pack with the iPod and iTunes, popularity of the iPhone, and the Mac computer. Google seems to be in the mix with its searching and sharing capabilities. Is Microsoft still in the mix? They have Windows and the X-Box. But have they brought out anything that has caught on since? Sony is still out there with the Playstation and all the electronics. Amazon changed online shopping. Ebay changed online selling. Are there any up and coming companies out there creating the next best thing?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Static vs Dynamic Typing II

After receiving feedback and reading more about it, I'm coming to the conclusion that static vs dynamic typing has more to do with writing code, lines of code, and the benefits of run time checking vs compile time checking. Static and dynamic typing classify values and expressions into types differently. Java is statically typed and Ruby is dynamically typed. It seems like a program written in Java will contain more lines of code then the exact same program written in Ruby. This is because of the type checking. I'm not familiar with Ruby yet, but, supposedly you have the ability to write less code because all of the code dealing with the types of objects and casting will be removed. The run time check seems to give more flexibility when writing the program and dealing with types. Static typing, with compile time checking, allows program errors to be caught earlier and program execution to be more efficient. Dynamic typing, with run time checking, is more flexible although slower running and more prone to program errors.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Static vs Dynamic Typing

I thought I knew the differences between static and dynamic typing. I was wrong. I thought it was the way you declare the variables and functions in certain ways. Whether assigning types to values or expressions. Static typing refers to types declared in a program at compile-time. Dynamic typing refers to types declared in a program at run-time. There is more to it though. I'm still trying to understand what it all means. Some languages use static typing and others use dynamic typing. I think C uses static typing and Java uses dynamic typing. There are many differing views on the subject. Some think static typing is better for testing then unit testing. Others disagree. I'm still researching to get a better understanding of the difference.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Communicating With Others

Communicating with people is a very important skill to have. Getting someone to understand what you are saying seems simple. Having the right vocabulary and speaking the right language can make it easier. Whether talking about software engineering(SE) or stocks and options or currencies or anything else, having some idea of what you want to say helps. I guess a good start would be to know your audience. Are you talking to someone that is familiar with the subject. For those that don't get it, you could always break it down in layman's terms. For example, when speaking with a fellow SE, is it important to be able to discuss an idea or problem in technical terms using the correct vocabulary? Or is layman's term alright as long as you get your point across and you are understood?

I was talking to a friend telling him I recently graduated with a degree in ICS. I was trying to explain what I learned and what I can do but he just didn't get it. We figured it was because I was speaking a different language. It reminded of school when I tried discussing project ideas with professors. They didn't get it either. I need to work on being a more effective communicator.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Java Hacker

I'm a Java guy. Java is the language I learned the best during my ten year at the university. I also tried and wrote small one-time programs using C++, Coldfusion, Lisp, Python. I don't remember these very well anymore. My Java knowledge increased by working on big projects utilizing a lot of the language. I know what I was taught. I first learned how to write a program and get it running using an applet. Then I learned the MVC paradigm and how to get a program running using a web application. I hope you understand what I mean. There must be other more sophisticated ways to get an application running. How do I learn them? Are web frameworks still good? Is there a 2nd language I should become familiar with? My one goal is to be able to get an application up and running from scratch. All I have to do now is learn how to do this.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Whole New World

It has begun! My journey into the online world. I'm starting with reading blogs and blogging. I've been introduced to google reader. It's nice having all the blog posts brought to one place. I'm subscribed to programming and hacking blogs. I am hoping these will keep me aware of what is happening and what is new. And maybe become a better programmer. Some things I've read are new to me but I'm learning. It's nice to be apart of a community.

Friday, March 7, 2008

My New Blog

Today I started being awesome with blogging.