Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Communicating With Others

Communicating with people is a very important skill to have. Getting someone to understand what you are saying seems simple. Having the right vocabulary and speaking the right language can make it easier. Whether talking about software engineering(SE) or stocks and options or currencies or anything else, having some idea of what you want to say helps. I guess a good start would be to know your audience. Are you talking to someone that is familiar with the subject. For those that don't get it, you could always break it down in layman's terms. For example, when speaking with a fellow SE, is it important to be able to discuss an idea or problem in technical terms using the correct vocabulary? Or is layman's term alright as long as you get your point across and you are understood?

I was talking to a friend telling him I recently graduated with a degree in ICS. I was trying to explain what I learned and what I can do but he just didn't get it. We figured it was because I was speaking a different language. It reminded of school when I tried discussing project ideas with professors. They didn't get it either. I need to work on being a more effective communicator.

1 comment:

aaron said...

i completely agree. communication is one skill that i work on constantly. it is very very important.

one great thing about doing a thesis is learning how to explain your thesis to your aunty. you need to be able to explain what your doing and why its cool; even if they have never have touched a computer.

communicating and relating to people is a great skill to have.